Reading, writing, rereading and rewriting

My new book looks in no way like the ones from the writers I mentioned before. And I’m glad for that. I’ve always been afraid that I would somehow, unintentional, and unconsciously copy a known writer. Rereading the finished chapters I can honestly say my work is different with probably a little of every author I once read and hopefully a bit of myself. Does that make my new book a good book? I have no idea. My wife seems to think so.

Anyway I’m happy with the results so far and once the book is finished and ‘hits the shelves’ I will – just like any other writer – bite my nails to see if someone wants to buy it and how the audience will appreciate it. But before it is that time months of work on the final chapters, reading, writing, rereading and rewriting will pass. As always I’ll promise you to try and write more often but like I said: Writing is my passion but writing blogs and on social media is a completely different thing.

More coming soon.

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